Face & Body
The Deluxe Chocolate Experience is a complete therapy session based on chocolate and includes a combination of therapeutic results. It is a deep hydration therapy that offers relaxation, wellness and nourishment. The Chocolate, the cocoa to be exact, has some beneficial ingredients, like mineral salts, vitamin B and antioxidant ingredients. Because of these, the chocolate is beneficial for the skin and it can even change our mood. So, the chocolate therapy is a nice way to save ourselves from the unneeded calories. This therapy reduces cellulite efficiently and activates the natural procedure of fat loss. The natural chocolate has antioxidant action, break the fat and all these along with other harmful toxins get discarded from our body. The skin gets boosted up with vitamin B and amino acids and is protected from early aging. Massage is a relaxing therapy and in combination with chocolate, has perfect results. Cocoa stimulates endorphin production and secretion in the brain and it also reduces anxiety and stress. The feeling of chocolate on the skin and the rich scent of it create an atmosphere of complete relaxation and euphoria.
- Deep face and body cleaning
- Body and face exfoliation
- Face and body mask with chocolate from cocoa seeds so as to open the skin pores
- Relaxing body and face massage with chocolate oils for deep hydration and skin detoxification
Chocolate therapy offers a unique experience that we highly recommend!